Automate Your International
Shipping with Customs Buddy

Create commercial invoices for your Shopify orders without any hassle using Customs Buddy. Transforming international shipping by automating invoice generation, we are here to streamline your business processes. Let us handle the complexities of shipping for you.

Mastering International Trade with Customs Buddy

What happens when you send your product abroad? How is it different from sending a gift to your distant relative? International trade is a complicated and well-regulated space. Countries protect their interests by imposing taxes on some imports or, contrary, allowing their economies to grow more rapidly by enabling products without tax.

What makes this even more interesting is that these rules are constantly changing. National customs employ many people to deal with all these imports. Goods are examined, their cost is evaluated, and import duties are applied, if applicable.

Global markets opened many opportunities for international trade, and even if you work in a very narrow niche, you can still boost your sales by delivering worldwide.
As a shop, you are interested in providing the best experience to your customer, including fair prices and reasonable shipping time.

When it comes to international shipping, we first think about shipping prices. Then one of the significant contributors to the product price is customs duty.

Here is where a document "commercial invoice" comes into play. Its purpose is to simplify customs clearance and speed-up things.
For customs, a document correctly describing imported goods makes their work productive.

For the shop, this ensures the shipment is assessed correctly and timely. So it sounds like a win-win. Here is the deal, someone needs to take time to create such a document. Or in the absence of the proper commercial invoice, someone on the customs side needs to figure out what is in the shipment.

The question here is who will do the job. We have seen companies using templates or crafting each declaration by hand. Neither of these scales.

To make your sales as smooth as possible, we have created a solution to generate valid commercial invoices in an automated way by using as much existing information from your Shopify as possible.

So it is we who spent time and did this right, and you are welcome to use it for your benefit.

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When do I need a commercial invoice?

A commercial invoice is typically required when you engage in international trade or commercial transactions involving the shipment of goods. It serves as a crucial document for customs authorities, freight forwarders, and other parties involved in the import/export process. Here are some situations where you would typically need a commercial invoice:

International shipments

When exporting goods to another country or importing goods from abroad, a commercial invoice is necessary to comply with customs regulations. It provides details about the shipment's contents, value, and other relevant information for customs clearance.

Customs clearance

When your goods arrive at a foreign port or airport, customs officials require a commercial invoice to assess the applicable duties, taxes, and customs fees. The invoice helps determine the value of the goods and confirms the transaction between the buyer and seller.

Proof of ownership and payment

A commercial invoice serves as proof of ownership and indicates that the buyer is responsible for paying the seller for the goods. It includes details such as the buyer's and seller's names, addresses, and contact information, as well as the terms of payment.

Legal and financial purposes

A commercial invoice is used for various legal and financial purposes. It helps both the buyer and seller maintain accurate records of their transactions, facilitates payment processing, and may be required by banks or financial institutions for financing or documentary credit purposes.

Compliance with trade regulations

In many countries, including the United States, a commercial invoice is required to comply with trade regulations and ensure proper documentation of international transactions. It helps authorities monitor trade flows, prevent fraud, and ensure accurate reporting of imports and exports.

It's important to note that specific requirements for commercial invoices may vary by country and depend on the nature of the goods being shipped. It's advisable to consult with customs authorities or a trade expert to ensure compliance with applicable regulations for your specific situation.


Moose Labs LLC

United States
"This app had made creating commercial invoices a one-click operation. Not literally, it's actually 4 clicks, but it is awesome and so easy! You put in your info once, and then you can automatically generate invoices from your order page. The developer is super responsive, and they're actively working to make the app even better. Thanks for creating a great app!"

Vagabond Life

"This app is amazing and the customer service too. Andrii went above and beyond to make some custom changes for us so that we had everything we needed. The invoice is perfect for customs clearance now. I recommend! Thank you so much once again :)"

The Hippy Clothing Co.

"A Quick cheap and simple commercial invoice with a clear layout taking the stress out of international shipping. Andrii is super helpful and fast to answer any emails, they even made several changes after our request. Amazing!"

COUP Champagne

"Forms work great, effortless setup. Saves us time from having to input missing order details like the order number and recipient contact information. Amazing customer service and responsiveness. Five Stars!"

Get Started with Customs Buddy Now

Ready to simplify your international shipping? Click below to add Customs Buddy to your Shopify store. Start creating commercial invoices effortlessly today!
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When do I need a commercial invoice?

CN23 (Customs Declaration) and a commercial invoice are both documents used in international trade, but they serve different purposes and provide different information. Here's a comparison between the two:

CN23 (Customs Declaration):
1. Purpose: The CN23 is a customs declaration form that provides information about the contents of a package being shipped internationally. It is used primarily for postal shipments or courier services.
2. Content: The CN23 form includes details such as the sender's and recipient's information, a description of the contents, quantity, weight, value, and the harmonized system (HS) codes that classify the goods for customs purposes. It may also include information regarding the origin of the goods, the reason for export, and any applicable licenses or permits.
3. Customs Clearance: The CN23 form is submitted to customs authorities to facilitate the clearance of the shipment. It helps customs officials assess the applicable duties, taxes, and customs fees, and ensures compliance with import/export regulations.
4. Packaging Attachment: The CN23 form is typically attached to the outside of the package or included in a transparent pouch so that customs officials can easily access and review it.

Commercial Invoice:
1. Purpose: The commercial invoice is a sales document that provides a detailed record of a commercial transaction between a buyer and a seller. It is used to indicate the value of goods and serves as a billing statement.
2. Content: The commercial invoice includes information such as the buyer's and seller's details, purchase order number, description of the goods, quantity, unit price, total value, payment terms, and shipping terms. It may also include additional information like shipment tracking numbers, insurance details, and any applicable trade terms (e.g., Incoterms).
3. Payment and Financial Documentation: The commercial invoice is used for payment purposes, serving as proof of the transaction and indicating the amount owed by the buyer to the seller. It is also used for accounting, tax, and financial reporting purposes.
4. Customs Compliance: While the commercial invoice provides valuable information about the goods being shipped, it is not primarily used for customs clearance. However, customs authorities may request a commercial invoice as part of the documentation required for customs declaration, along with other documents like the CN23 form.

In summary, the CN23 form is a customs declaration that provides essential information for customs authorities, while the commercial invoice is a sales document that serves as a record of a commercial transaction and is primarily used for payment and financial purposes. Both documents may be required for international shipments, but their content and purpose differ.

When CN23 form is enough and when I need commercial invoice as well?

If your shipment does not have a commercial invoice when it is required, you may encounter difficulties during customs clearance and face potential delays or even rejection of your shipment. Here's what you can expect in such a situation:

1. Customs Clearance Delays: Customs authorities typically require the necessary documentation, including a commercial invoice, to assess the value of the goods and determine applicable duties, taxes, and customs fees. Without a commercial invoice, customs clearance may be delayed as officials will need to gather additional information or request the missing document.

2. Request for Documentation: Customs officials may reach out to you or your shipping agent to request the missing commercial invoice. They may ask for a detailed description of the goods, their value, and other relevant information to assess the customs duties and taxes accurately. It is essential to promptly provide the required documentation to avoid further delays.

3. Penalties or Fines: Non-compliance with customs requirements can lead to penalties or fines. The severity of the consequences depends on the specific regulations of the country and the nature of the non-compliance. These penalties can range from monetary fines to seizure of the shipment or even legal repercussions, depending on the severity of the violation.

4. Rejection of Shipment: In some cases, if the commercial invoice is not provided or cannot be obtained, customs authorities may refuse to clear the shipment. This means the goods may be returned to the sender or held in customs until the required documentation is provided, which can result in additional costs and delays.

To prevent these issues, it is crucial to ensure you have a commercial invoice for shipments where it is required. Work closely with your shipping agent or logistics provider to ensure all necessary documentation is prepared accurately and in compliance with the regulations of the destination country. This will help facilitate smooth customs clearance and avoid potential complications.

How many copies of commercial invoice should I attach?

The number of copies of a commercial invoice that you should attach to your shipment depends on the specific requirements of the destination country and the shipping carrier or logistics provider. Generally, it is recommended to attach at least three copies of the commercial invoice. Here's a breakdown of the typical distribution of commercial invoice copies:

1. Original Copy: The original copy of the commercial invoice is typically included inside the package with the goods. This copy is intended for the buyer/importer and serves as their official record of the transaction. It may be required for customs clearance, payment processing, and other legal and financial purposes.

2. Consignee Copy: Another copy of the commercial invoice should be provided to the consignee or the recipient of the shipment. This copy helps the consignee verify the contents of the package and serves as their reference for payment or accounting purposes.

3. Customs Copy: One copy of the commercial invoice should be attached to the outside of the package or in a transparent pouch so that customs officials can easily access and review it during the customs clearance process. This copy allows customs authorities to assess the value of the goods and ensure compliance with import regulations.

It's important to check the specific requirements of the destination country and any specific instructions provided by the shipping carrier or logistics provider. Some countries or carriers may require additional copies of the commercial invoice for their records or for distribution to other parties involved in the shipment process, such as freight forwarders or customs brokers.

By providing the appropriate number of commercial invoice copies, you ensure that all necessary parties have access to the required documentation, which helps facilitate smooth customs clearance and ensures compliance with import/export regulations.

What price should I put in a commercial invoice if I sold product with a discount?

When preparing a commercial invoice for a product sold with a discount, you should include the discounted price in the invoice. The discounted price reflects the actual amount paid by the buyer and provides an accurate representation of the value of the goods in the transaction. Here's how you can handle the discounted price in a commercial invoice:

1. Unit Price: In the line item description of the commercial invoice, mention the original price of the product as the unit price. This allows customs authorities and other parties to understand the value of the goods before the discount.

2. Quantity: Specify the quantity of the products sold in the commercial invoice.

3. Discount: Clearly indicate the discount applied to the unit price in the commercial invoice. You can mention it as a percentage or a specific amount deducted from the original price.

4. Total Amount: Calculate the total amount based on the discounted price and the quantity of products sold. This represents the final value of the goods after the discount has been applied.

Including the discounted price in the commercial invoice is important for several reasons:

- Customs Clearance: Customs authorities need accurate information about the value of the goods to assess applicable duties, taxes, and customs fees. Providing the discounted price helps ensure that customs clearance procedures are carried out correctly.

- Payment Processing: The buyer may need the commercial invoice as proof of the transaction and for their own payment processing purposes. Including the discounted price enables accurate payment reconciliation between the buyer and the seller.

- Financial Record-keeping: The commercial invoice serves as a financial record of the transaction for both the buyer and the seller. By including the discounted price, you maintain accurate records of the sales and ensure consistency in your financial documentation.

By including the discounted price in the commercial invoice, you provide transparency and accuracy in the documentation, which is beneficial for customs compliance, financial record-keeping, and ensuring smooth transaction processing.

What is the purpose of HS codes in a commercial invoice?

The purpose of HS (Harmonized System) codes in a commercial invoice is to classify and identify the goods being traded internationally. HS codes are a standardized system of product classification used globally, developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO). These codes serve several important purposes in a commercial invoice:

1. Customs Clearance: Customs authorities use HS codes to identify and classify goods for customs purposes. Each product has a specific HS code that helps customs officials determine the applicable duties, taxes, and regulations for the import or export of that particular product. Including the HS code in the commercial invoice ensures accurate and efficient customs clearance.

2. Trade Statistics: HS codes play a vital role in international trade statistics. Governments and international organizations use HS code data to monitor trade flows, track import and export volumes, and compile economic reports. Including the HS codes in the commercial invoice helps provide accurate data for trade analysis and policy-making.

3. Tariff Determination: HS codes are linked to specific tariff rates and regulations. Governments establish customs tariffs based on HS codes to determine the duties and taxes applicable to imported or exported goods. By including the HS codes in the commercial invoice, the correct tariff rates can be applied, ensuring accurate assessment of customs fees.

4. Compliance with Regulations: Some goods are subject to specific regulations, restrictions, or licensing requirements based on their HS code classification. Including the HS codes in the commercial invoice helps customs authorities and other regulatory agencies ensure compliance with applicable regulations and verify that the goods meet any necessary standards or requirements.

5. Standardized Product Classification: HS codes provide a standardized method of product classification globally. They help harmonize product descriptions and eliminate language barriers in international trade documentation. Including the HS codes in the commercial invoice ensures clarity and consistency in product identification across different countries and facilitates efficient communication between parties involved in the trade transaction.

Including the correct HS codes in the commercial invoice is crucial for customs compliance, accurate assessment of duties and taxes, and proper classification of goods. It ensures smoother customs clearance, enhances trade data accuracy, and helps both the buyer and seller comply with international trade regulations.

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